
There are 2 operational Cemeteries in the Shire, one being located in Bridgetown (Eastcott Avenue) and the other in Greenbushes 5.5km south of Greenbushes on Stinton Avenue - off SW Hway).  In addition to the current Cemeteries there are 2 Pioneer Cemeteries, again one is located in Bridgetown whilst the other is located in North Greenbushes.

Council's Cemetery Local Law  (in conjunction with State legislation) governs how Shire cemeteries are operated. 

Cemetery Local Law

For details concerning grave locations, reservations and other general enquires please contact us.

The Shire can also assist with plaques for memorial niche walls and within remembrance gardens. Please contact Shire staff for pricing and availability.


Burial bookings

The funeral home director will make the burial booking on your behalf. We require a minimum of 72 hours notice to arrange for the grave to be prepared.

Cemetery records

The Shire must be advised of any burial or interment within our cemeteries, so that we can map the location and record this important information for future generations. This includes the interment of ashes. If you wish to access the cemetery records, please contact us.


Please note that fees may be payable for works within our cemeteries. These fees assist in maintaining our cemeteries. For any queries or quotes please contact the Shire so that we can ascertain your needs.

Memorial works

If you are thinking of placing a memorial, renovating a memorial or adding to a memorial, please contact the Shire. Plans detailing the proposed memorial will need to be submitted and approval obtained prior to the works commencing.

Plants and trees

Planting of place within pots any trees, shrubs or plants in the cemetery requires approval of an authorised officer.


The Shire requests that flowers and ornaments be located atop of graves. Items that are outside of gravesite boundaries, have become unsightly, or pose a risk to others will be removed by authorised officers.


Cemeteries should be a place of serenity and reflection and the Shire asks that visitors respect this. Vandalism will not be tolerated. If you see vandalism within our cemeteries