Environmental Volunteering

The Helping Hands Bushcarers are residents, community volunteers and people with disabilities who work regularly with the Community Landcare Officer on the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes Bushland Reserves. Activities include monitoring and control of environmental weeds, general and historic rubbish and glass collection and removal, site preparation works, revegetation planting, walk trail maintenance and native seed collection.  

In 2022-23 over 30 volunteers contributed 448 hours (about 2 and a half weeks) of their time valued at approx. $22,400 during 26 Helping Hands Bushcare events. Works are carried out in the following reserves: Maslin Reserve, Layman St Reserve, Geegeelup Brook Parkland, Abbotts Reserve, Fire Station Reserve, Dorothy Scott Bushland, Tweed Rd Flora Reserve, Greenbushes Pool and Schwenkes Dam, Somme Creek Parklands, Sunnyside Reserve, Allnut St Reserve, and the Bridgetown Sportsground Bushland. 

Residents who are interested in joining the Helping Hands Bushcarers are encouraged to contact the Community Landcare Officer Karrie Williamson for more details on nrm@bridgetown.wa.gov.au