Council Committees

Our Committees are made up of members of public and representatives from Council and provide an opportunity for community to participate in the broad decsion making process of local government.
Every two years the Council will determine if it will appoint any Advisory Committees.
Information on our current current Committees is listed below.

Access & Inclusion Advisory Committee

The Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee provides advice to Council on the prioritisation of strategies and actions contained in the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan and the Age Friendly Communities Plan, reports to Council annually on the implementation of the Disability Access and Inclusion Plan and the Age Friendly Communities Plan and provides advice and input into the review of Council’s Disability Access and Inclusion Plan and the Age Friendly Communities Plan as part of the review process.

Audit Committee

The primary objective of the Audit Committee is to accept responsibility for the annual external audit and meet with the local government’s auditor (at least once in every year) so that Council can be satisfied with the performance of the local government in managing its financial affairs.

Bush Fire Advisory Committee

The establishment of the Bush Fires Advisory Committee is specifically for the ongoing task of providing advice to Council on all matters relating to bush fire control, prevention and management.  This includes recommendations on annual firebreak requirements, review of firefighting/prevention practices, firefighting training, etc.

CEO Performance Review Committee

The CEO Performance Review Committee assists the Council in the annual review process of the CEO and the setting (and review) of Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) for the ensuing 12 month period that reflect the CEO’s personal performance and also that for the organisation as a whole.

Cultural Inclusion Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Cultural Inclusion Advisory Committee is to provide advice to Council on ways to:

  • grow recognition and respect for all cultures
  • develop and implement reconciliation actions and strategies
  • facilitate the collection and sharing of information and stories about local culture and history including NAIDOC week events and Harmony Week activities and events
  • identify, preserve and showcase significant local history and heritage including promotion of indigenous history.

Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC)

The functions of a Local Emergency Management Committee, as prescribed in the Emergency Management regulations are:

  1. to advise and assist the local government in ensuring that local emergency management arrangements are established for its district
  2. to liaise with public authorities and other persons in the development, review and testing of local emergency management arrangements
  3. to carry out other emergency management activities as directed by the SEMC or prescribed by the regulations

The Shire’s Local Emergency Management Committee also advises Council on incident prevention and preparation, and assists in the management of recovery processes following an emergency event affecting the Shire.

Sustainability Advisory Committee

The primary role of SAC is developing a leadership role in the community and introducing incentives, initiatives and recommendations which can be introduced into the daily operations of the Shire, Policy setting process, Strategic Plans and Town Planning Schemes to :-

  1. Reduce the impacts on the natural environment
  2. Reduce the impacts on the climate
  3. Initiate sustainable management of resources

Trails Development Advisory Committee

The Trails Development Advisory Committee has been active in identifying and developing trails within the Shire, advocating on local trails development in regional and state forums as well as working with the Warren Blackwood Alliance member Councils in the development regional trails.

The Trails Development Advisory Committee provides advice and input into the prioritisation of strategies and actions contained in the Trails Plan, reports to Council annually on the implementation of the Trails Plan and provides advice and input into the review of Council’s Trails Plan as part of the review process.

Youth Services Advisory Committee

The Youth Services Advisory Committee was established in 2016 after adoption by Council of its Youth Plan.

The Youth Services Advisory Committee provides advice and input into the prioritisation of strategies and actions contained in the Youth Plan, reports to Council annually on the implementation of the Youth Plan and provides advice and input into the review of Council’s Youth Plan as part of the review process.