Rates FAQs

What if I am having difficulty paying rates by the due dates?

If you are unable to pay your rates due to financial hardship, you can apply to the Shire for a custom payment arrangement. The Shire offers the option of paying via a weekly, fortnightly or monthly direct debit from your bank account as long as the arrangement has the debt paid by 30 June. An administration charge per property will apply for each plan, and interest will accrue daily on the balance of the overdue account, until it is fully paid.

Why are my rates so different to my neighbour?

Rates are calculated based on individual property valuations. Variations in these valuations will result in different rates levied for each property. There are also other variables in service charges that might apply from one property to the next.

What can I do if I disagree with the GRV or UV valuation of my property?

If a ratepayer believes their property has been incorrectly valued they may lodge an objection with Landgate. Any objection against your property valuation is to be lodged with Landgate within 60 days of the date of issue of your rates notice. Please visit Landgate’s website for further information.


Rates are required to be paid by the due date, irrespective of whether an objection has been lodged. Any reduction in rates as a result of a successful objection will be allocated to any balance outstanding or refunded to you.

What are interim rates?

Some ratepayers may be issued an additional rate notice during the year. This is referred to as an Interim Rate Notice, An Interim Rate Notice is a result of changes that have happened to the property which require a rating adjustment to be calculated after you have been issued with the original rate notice.

These notices are required to be issued by the Shire for various reasons such as:

  • If Landgate considers that the valuation (GRV or UV) of a ratepayers’ property has changed;
  • Subdivision / Strata of land or amalgamation of land;
  • Improvements or additions to the property including building a new house and, alterations and additions to an existing home including sheds;
  • Demolition of any improvements; and
  • Addition or removal of rubbish or recycling collection services.

An Interim Rate Notice will be accompanied by a letter of explanation including the details of the reason for the amendment and effective date of the valuation.

I don’t use the tip so why do I have to pay a Landfill Rate?

Council charges on all rateable properties a landfill rate under Section 66 of the Waste Avoidance and Resource Recovery Act 2007. The cost of providing waste services (excluding rubbish collection services) is divided equally between all ratepayers of the Shire (i.e. all rates assessments have the same charge for the Landfill Rate) regardless of whether you use the waste facility.

What is the Swimming Pool Inspection Fee?

State Government legislation requires all private swimming pool enclosures to be inspected at least once in every four years. The Shire’s fee for this service is charged per annum for each registered pool enclosure and is included on the annual rates account. This annual fee is designed to recover the cost of an inspection within the four year inspection cycle. All pool owners are encouraged to properly maintain their pool enclosures in the interest of safety.

What is the ESL?

The Emergency Services Levy is a State Government levy for which Council is the collection agent. The amounts to be charged are set by the State Government and included on your annual rates account. All funds collected by the Shire from the ESL are forwarded to the Department of Fire & Emergency Services (DFES). For information regarding the levy, please call the DFES hotline on 1300 136 099.

How do I advise my change of address?

If you have recently changed your postal or email address, or other contact details, please inform the Shire by completing the Change of Details form.

Change of Details

Am I eligible for a concession on my rates?

Subject to the requirements of the Western Australian State Government, the cards eligible for a rebate are:

  • A Pension Concession Card – up to 50% rebate (capped at $750)
  • A Commonwealth Seniors Health card plus a WA Seniors card – up to 50% rebate (capped at $750)
  • A WA Seniors Card – up to 25% rebate (capped at $100.00)

The rebate applies only to your primary place of residence which you must occupy as at 1 July of the rating year.

To apply for concession
Application forms are available at the Shire or alternatively you can apply with the Water Corporation, either online or by phoning 1300 659 951.