Located on Steere Street adjacent to the Bridgetown Leisure Centre and Bridgetown Public Library, the Bridgetown Youth Precinct boasts an upgraded skate bowl with step/hubba features, a pump track, shade and hangout zone, half basketball court, water station, and toilet block. Located in between the Bridgetown Leisure Centre and the Library and set in Somme Park the Bridgetown is the perfect location for young people to access youth focused facilities.

Greenbushes Youth Precinct is located within Thomson Park on Blackwood Road in Greenbushes.
Nestled between the town hall, kick-a-bout area and bushland, the Greenbushes Youth Precinct includes a summer shaded playground and BBQ facilities, a beautifully designed skate arena, a fantastic pump track, a ½ court basketball, ping pong table, shelter, toilets, drink fountain and landscaping.

The Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes School Holiday programs are open to young people of all abilities through the Bridgetown Library and the Leisure Centre. The activities are low cost and supervised. Places are usually limited, booking early is recommended and highly encouraged.
All Western Australian children aged 5-18 with a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card are eligible to apply for financial assistance of up to $300 per financial year towards club fees.
For more information or to apply online
The following service providers offer a range of services to assist young people with understanding and coping with mental health issues;
Blackwood Youth Action Group delivers a range of services for teens and young adults from 12-25 including crisis counselling, individual and group therapy, mediation and parenting programs. More information can be found on their website.
BYA Website
Kids Helpline
Kids Helpline offer resources for children and young adults aged between 5 and 25 and cover a range of issues including safety, relationships, mental health and life issues. More information can be found on their website or freecall 1800 551 800.
Kids Helpline Website