Where to Start

What can I do in my area?

Every property has development controls relating to the zoning of the land.

The type of controls vary dependent on the zoning, but each zone has rules around:

  • Types of development / land uses;
  • The design and location of buildings;
  • Approvals required etc

Check your property zoning with our  Maps links to DPLH Website

TPS 3 & 4 Maps

What approvals do I need?

Most development requires approval. There are different kinds of legislation requiring different approval processes.

Development does not always require the construction of something new and can include changing how the land is used, changing the levels of a lot,  or establishing a home based business  The Use Class tables in Town Planning Schemes No 3 and 4 provide further guidance.

Applications for Development Approval (commonly referred to as DA’s) are assessed against State and local planning requirements and consider amenity and other impacts associated with development.

Some developments and land uses are exempt from requiring development approval.  Development can be exempt through the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes Town Planning Scheme Nos 3 and 4.

LUP 19 Exemption from Development Approval Requirements

Note:  a Building Permit may still be required even if Development Approval is exempt.

Building Permits are assessed against the Building Code of Australia and the Building Act 2011 for compliance with construction standards.

The Building Regulations 2012 contain exemptions for small projects and certain maintenance works.

Schedule 4 of the Building Regulations 2012 contains exemptions for small projects and certain maintenance works.

Effluent disposal systems, food premises and some home businesses require approval under Environmental Health legislation. Further details can be found via our  Public Health

Request Copies of Building/Planning and Septic Plans

Obtain a copy of plans for buildings already approved on-site by completing a  Fees apply.  

Request Form

The Shire cannot guarantee that copies of plans will be archived.  The is dependent on the age of development as records may not have been kept or necessary.


Getting Help

Planning and Building staff are available to assist with general enquiries. Please fill out the form below so we can provide you with the correct information.

See our or an overview of development requirements specific to your project.

Request Details

Request Details

Please include details such as address, exact location, damage incurred, ect.

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