Litter is a huge problem worldwide. It is unattractive and can cause injury to people and wildlife. The build-up of litter can also encourage people to contribute to further litter in an area. Illegal dumping of rubbish incurs a cost that is ultimately paid for by the whole community.

Many forms of littering take place, domestic waste, green waste dumping, cigarette butts, abandoned shopping trolleys and also abandoned vehicles. The dumping of domestic or commercial waste in a public bin is classified as littering, as is items escaping from unsecured loads.

The law doesn’t distinguish between organic and artificial waste. Therefore, throwing out organic material like apple cores in public places is the same as throwing plastic or cigarette butts.


Within the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes, Rangers patrol and inspect regularly for littering and illegal dumping under the Litter Act 1979.

The community is encouraged to assist in cracking down on littering. Please report any known littering to Ranger Services. For more information:
Litter information



Illegal dumping is the unauthorised dumping of large amounts of waste. It is an offence under Section 49 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986. The Department of Environmental Regulation deals with investigating and prosecuting any one found to be dumping waste illegally.

Illegal dumping includes but is not limited to building debris and household whitegoods. There is no excuse for illegally dumping waste.

On conviction, the offence carries a maximum fine of $125,000 for corporations and $62,500 for individuals.

Illegal dumping should be reported to Department of Water and Environmental Regulation Pollution Watch hotline 1300 784 782 (24 hours)