Ranger Services

Dog and Cat Registration

To create a new registration within the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes, please complete the appropriate form below and email it to btnshire@bridgetown.wa.gov.au

Dog Registration Form

Cat Registration Form


Rangers can be contacted by phoning 9761 0800 or 0457 885 156 during business hours, 8am-4pm Monday to Friday.

Outside business hours, Rangers can be contacted on 0457 885 156 for emergencies only, i.e dog attacks in progress or wandering stock causing a hazard.

Laws for Responsible Dog and Cat Ownership

The Dog Act 1976, Cat Act 2011 and the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes Dogs Local Law and Cats Local Law addresses such matters as the control and registration of dogs and cats; the ownership and keeping of dogs and cats; and the obligations and rights of people; both as dog and cat owners and non-dog and cat owners.

The Local Laws are available for viewing/downloading under the Publications tab.

Dog Exercise Areas 

Designated dog exercise areas within the Shire are listed below, follow the link to view the map.

In dog exercise areas, dogs must be on a leash or under the control of the person at all times. In all other public places, dogs must be on a leash at all times. Please note, dog waste bags are available at other locations throughout the Shire – these are provided as a courtesy and do not indicate the area is a designated dog exercise area.


Livestock wandering create a hazard for road users and a nuisance for neighbours.

The Shire Ranger can impound wandering stock and issue on the spot fines if they are found to be in public areas. Livestock owners are encouraged to check their fencing to ensure their animals do not escape.


If you find a snake do not approach or aggravate it in any way. Most bites occur when people accidentally step on snakes, or while attempting to kill them. If you do have a snake in your garden or house, contact Wildcare Helpline (08) 9474 9055 to be referred to a volunteer reptile remover. If volunteers are unavailable, there are commercial snake removal services. Advice can be provided by phoning the Department of Parks and Wildlife on (08) 9219 9840. The Shire does not have a dedicated Snake Handler at this time.

Other Legislation

In addition to administering the Dog and Cat Acts, our Rangers are also gazetted to administer provisions under the following Legislation:
Local Government Act 1995
Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1960
Litter Act 1979
Control of Vehicles (Off-Road Areas) 1978
Bush Fires Act 1954
Caravan Parks and Camping Grounds Act 1995
Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes Local Laws