Completing Your Project 

If your project required a Building Permit, you will need to notify the Shire once the project is complete.

Notice of Completion

Under the Building Act, the builder must notify the Shire on completion of works previously approved. A BA7 Notice of Completion form must be filled out and provided to the Shire. The Shire may choose to do an inspection.

 BA7 Notice of Completion Form 

In addition, commercial projects (Class 2-9 buildings) will require an Occupancy Permit prior to using the building. See ‘Occupancy Permit’ below for details.

Occupancy Permit

An occupancy permit BA9 form is required for Class 2-9 buildings.

BA9 Form

Your Building Surveyor Contractor needs to provide a Certificate of Construction Compliance (CCC), and any certificates you have as part of the building work. The owner is the person responsible to apply for the Occupancy Permit, but the builder may do it on the owners behalf.

Some exemptions apply for small alterations and additions. Contact your Building Surveyor Contractor for details.

Swimming Pools/Spas

Swimming pools and spas require a   which must be provided by the builder/contractor.  Once received by the Shire an inspection will be carried out and a Swimming Pool/Spa Inspection  Certificate issued.

Note: This inspection must be carried out prior to the pool/spa being filled with water.