Bridgetown Waste Facility

Recycle Road off the Bridgetown-Boyup Brook Road 

Located approximately 4km from Bridgetown centre, the site acts as a drop off site for recycling and also has an active landfill site for disposal of general waste. 

Please note this facility accepts CASH ONLY as no EFT is available.

Monday & Tuesday Wednesday & Thursday Friday Saturday & Sunday
CLOSED 7:30am - 12:00pm 7:30am - 11:00am 9:00am - 4:00pm

Closed Christmas Day, New Years Day and Good Friday

  • Household recycling 
  • Dry flattened cardboard 
  • Vehicle batteries Household batteries 
  • Electronic Waste / E-waste (TV’s, computers and accessories like printers & scanners, etc)  
  • Scrap metal (including car bodies) 
  • Automotive engine oil 
  • DrumMuster eligible containers 
  • Green waste (lawn clippings, small stem/trunk pruning with stem diameter below 150mm) 
  • Clean Fill (soil or rubble less than 100mm diameter) 
  • Fluorescent light tubes and general light globes 
  • Sharps 

    Recycling is operated on a cost recovery basis, with the associated charge to residents covering the cost of transport and/or recycling. 

    • Fridges and air con units – fee covers degassing. If able to provide a certificate from a local licenced contractor to prove it is already degassed it will be accepted for free. 
    • Tyres – fee covers collection and recycling of the various sizes and types of tyres. 
    • Mattresses – fee covers transport plus the cost of a company stripping and recycling most materials in the mattress. Scrap metal is recycled and so is most of the foam for carpet underlays. Only a small residual amount goes to landfill that cannot be reused. Residents can strip their mattress themselves (at their own risk) and then only need to pay for the volume of non-recyclable parts to landfill. 
    • Timber – fee covers the cost of mulching. 
    • Construction + Demolition Material (uncontaminated) – fee covers the cost to have the material crushed.   
    • Asbestos small amounts are accepted with the fee covering transport and safe burial at a licenced facility. 

    Shire staff investigate new recycling streams on an ongoing basis so this list of recyclable materials may be expanded from time to time as new options become available. 

    Greenbushes Transfer Station

    36 Blackwood Rd (located behind the Old Road Board building). 

    The Greenbushes Transfer Station is only able to accept general waste (with a charge), except for the last Saturday of every month when small amounts of residential green waste and white goods are also able to be accepted. 
    Please note this facility accepts CASH ONLY as no EFT is available.


    There are also recycling bulk bins in Greenbushes at the end of Blackwood Road which are managed by Talison.