Kids eReading Room is a platform powered by OverDrive that provides a safe and easy browsing experience for children. Kids can browse, sample, borrow and place holds on eBooks and eAudiobooks appropriate to their age and reading level. Sign in online with your Bridgetown library card, and PIN. Borrow up to 10 items for 21 days.
Kids eReading Room

Kanopy Kids provides access to TV series, learning languages, animated storybooks, Anime favourites, classic films and family movies suitable for children. You will need your email address, library card number and PIN to create an account. You can access an unlimited number of Kanopy Kids titles each month.
Kanopy Kids

BorrowBox has eBooks and eAudiobooks for children and young adults and eMagazines for children. To access these collections, select the item format you want and change from All Ages to the appropriate age group or use the appropraite link below:
Children eBooks
Children eAudiobooks
Children eMagazines
Young Adult eBooks
Young Adult eAudiobooks

Story Box Library is a place where the wonderful world of Australian children’s literature is on permanent exhibit via a beautiful online ‘reading room’. Children can connect with literature through film, with a diverse range of storytellers reading past and present book titles. It’s Storytime at any time! To Log In visit https://storyboxlibrary.com.au/login click on Library, select Bridgetown-Greenbushes Shire Council, and enter your library card number and PIN.
Story Box Library

LOTE4Kids is a digital collection of picture books (ebooks and audiobooks) in a diverse range of World Languages. It allows kids to enjoy the magic of books and other activities in LOTE (Languages Other Than English) on your device using the LOTE4Kids app or visit https://lote4kids.com/au-shire-of-bridgetown-greenbushes/ to login on your computer. Use your library card to get started, no PIN required.

LibraryCraft is a free Minecraft Java Edition server for 7- to 17-year-olds in Western Australia. You can take part in monthly competitions, play Survival or Creative, and get stuck into minigames!