Swimming Pools/Spas

Learn about the rules and requirements surrounding the installation, replacement or the removal of residential swimming pools and spas.  

I want to install or replace a pool

A Building Permit is required prior to installing a swimming pool/spa and its associated barrier. When replacing a pool/spa or barrier, please be aware that the rules may have changed since your pool/spa was originally installed, meaning your existing barrier may no longer be compliant.

Swimming pools/spas and its associated barrier require a Building Permit Application.

Please note that all pools/spas must have a compliant barrier and inspection completed prior to being filled with water.

My pool is now installed

Once your swimming pool is completed and BEFORE you put any water in it you will need to notify theShire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes.

Notice of Completion

Under the Building Act 2011, the builder must notify the Shire that the work is completed by submitting a BA7 Notice of Completion form.

BA7 Form

Compliance Certificate

Swimming pools/spas require a compliance certificate to be submitted with the BA7 Notice of Completion. If you would like the Shire to inspect and provide the certificate, please contact the Shire to arrange.

What are the rules?

The rules for private pools/spas can vary based upon when your pool was approved. Rule changes took place on 5 November 2001 and 1 May 2016.

Check your barrier regularly. Make sure all gates are self-closing and self-latching from all positions, and that no climbable objects are located within any non-climbable zones.

For more information, see the checklists and Rules for Pools booklet in ‘Related Information’ below.


Swimming pool/spa barrier inspections are undertaken once a  barrier is complete.  Re-inspection is required at least once every four years thereafter.

If you receive a notice that your pool is due for inspection, it is important to respond to the notice as Shire Officers are no longer allowed to inspect without your prior consent or an entry warrant.

Inspections are undertaken of your pool/spa barrier every 4 years. However, fees are charged annually on rates notices. The current annual fee is $78.00 per annum, as per s 53.(2)(b) of the Building Regulations 2012

Re-inspection fees may be charged if a pool is found to be non-compliant at two consecutive inspections.