Student Forum addresses Council

Published on Monday, 29 April 2024 at 9:56:14 AM

Student Forum representatives from Bridgetown High School met with Councillors in Chambers last week to enjoy a group lunch and a shared information session. Shire President, Cr Jenny Mountford and fellow Councillors; Lansdell, Fletcher and Redman, discussed the internal workings of Council with a focus on the election and decision-making processes. Students noted the similarities with their own Year 7 elections held early last term, where students exercised their democratic right to choose their student representatives.


In a switching-up of roles, students were asked to nominate a ‘leader’ to take the seat of the Shire President and address Councillors, with students eager to share both their accomplishments and upcoming endeavours. Some of these included raising $9529.45 for the Leukaemia Foundations’ World’s Greatest Shave and the nomination of Bridgetown Wildlife Rescue as their focus charity for the remainder of 2024, stating "Our choice of Bridgetown Wildlife Rescue underscores our commitment to supporting local businesses and initiatives that hold significance for us. By channeling our efforts towards this cause, we hope to make a tangible impact on the welfare of our wildlife and environment."

Students also shared some of the experiences gained from their recent attendance at the GRIP leadership conference in Bunbury. The conference provided a platform for students to enhance their leadership skills, exchange ideas with peers from other schools, and brainstorm strategies to foster a positive school culture.

Looking ahead, the Student Forum is gearing up for a series of innovative fundraising initiatives aimed at supporting their chosen charity and fostering a vibrant school culture. From ‘anything but a bag, day’ to pop-up op-shops and classic cake stalls, the Student Forum is poised to unleash a wave of creativity and community engagement.

Shire President, Cr Jenny Mountford extended an invitation to the Student Forum to present to Councillors once a term, with representatives from the shire’s Youth Services Advisory Committee, Crs Fletcher and Lansdell to attend a few of their upcoming Student Forum meetings.


Students were asked how they felt about their first experience in Council Chambers -


“I think it was inspiring, very informative of what our councillors do. I was nervous at the start but when we started talking it was easy.” – Leah Woodall Year 7


“It was a great opportunity, educational and I enjoyed being able to give feedback to the shire. It was very cool to be up there, sitting in their seats, it made me feel like I could make a change.” – Linden Hyde Year 10


“I quite liked seeing how the Shire handles things. When I was little, I knew about the Shire, but it is so different to see and meet the people involved. I loved sitting in the seats, very comfortable. The thoughts and ideas they shared with us for our school were very inspiring.” – Pia Brandrett Year 10


“Very informative about how the councillors worked. I would love to go back and share ideas for and about youth in the community.” - Grae Beswick Year 8


The Shire President and Councillors look forward to engaging with students on a regular basis to better understand the needs of youth in our community.

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