Community Information Sundowner a Success

Published on Wednesday, 1 September 2021 at 5:00:00 PM

Community Sundowner: CBP talk

Under festoon lights, we were joined by around 65 community members for the Community Sundowner. Guests received a copy of the newly published Corporate Business Plan (CBP) to take home to review. The CBP was informed by the feedback we received in 2020 from you through the Scorecard Survey and Community Workshops.  The CBP identifies key projects and direction for the next 4 years.

After an introduction to the presentation by the Shire President and Lisa Lough, the consultant who joined us previously for the Scorecard Community Workshops, gave a presentation on the process to date and what will happen moving forward.

Following the presentation, attendees were then able to ask questions of both Councillors and Shire officers at service specific information stalls. This was a highly interactive event for the community. Of attendees who completed the event survey, 100% would “like it to be an annual event” and “found the session useful” while 91% found that they “have a better understanding of Shire roles, responsibilities and future plans.” 

You can view the CBP and other strategic plans on our new Strategic Planning Webpage which contains a direct feedback portal for you to continue to give us feedback specifically on our strategic planning.

Community Sundowner: Chat to a Councillor

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