In addition to the kerbside rubbish and recycling collection, the Shire has a Waste Management Facility in Bridgetown located on Recycle Road off of the Bridgetown-Boyup Brook Road approximately 4km from the town centre. There is also a Transfer Station in Greenbushes at 36 Blackwood Rd (located behind the Old Road Board building).
A kerbside hard waste collection is also provided to Bridgetown, Greenbushes and Hester residents in the spring.
Rubbish & Recycling Collection Services
The Shire's rubbish and recycling collection service extends to the Bridgetown residential area, Greenbushes, North Greenbushes and also a wide range of estates on the outskirts of town.
Collection of the red rubbish bins happens every week on a Wednesday in the Bridgetown area and every Tuesday for the Hester, Greenbushes and North Greenbushes residents.
Recycling collection is also an important part of our Waste Management Service. The recycling bins get collected every second week, on a Wednesday for the Bridgetown area and surrounding estates and on a Tuesday for the Greenbushes, North Greenbushes and Hester residents.
Missed Bins
If your bin is not emptied on the scheduled day, please leave it out on the verge and contact Cleanaway ASAP on the new phone number especially for our Shire residents, 9724 7907 to request re-service. Reports made later than the next day are unlikely to be serviced and residents may have to wait until the next usual scheduled collection.
To help ensure your bin is serviced on the scheduled day, please place the bin out on the verge in a visible and accessible location the night before.
General waste is collected weekly and recycling fortnightly.
Please click the images below to reference the dates and pick-up areas.

Bridgetown Area Recycling Map Greenbushes Area Recycling Map
Recyclable Materials

The Southern Metropolitan Regional Council’s Recycle Right website provides an A-Z Recycling Directory on what can be recycled. The guide for a 2-bin system can be found here. This guide also applies to bulk recycling dropped off by residents at the Bridgetown Waste Management Facility.
The Shire has recycling bin stickers available to help you remember what can be placed in your recycling bin. Stickers can be collected from Shire administration.
Tips & Information to Getting Recycling Right:
- If you're not sure the item is recyclable, put it in general waste
- Ensure recyclables are empty with no food residue before recycling
- Never bag recycling, always place recyclables loose in the bin
- Putting the wrong item in your commingled recycling bin is contamination and can send a truck full of recyclable items to landfill
Recyclable Materials Accepted at the Bridgetown Waste Management Facility
Disposal of domestic recyclable materials is free (does not require the use of tokens)* at the Bridgetown Waste Management Facility and may be deposited during normal opening hours. This includes glass, plastics, batteries, cardboard, etc. Commercial cardboard and bulk recyclables may incur a fee. Please contact the Shire or Waste Facility for more information.
Freely Accepted Items:
- Car batteries
- DrumMuster eligible containers
- E-Waste (computers, mobile phones, accessories, etc.)
- Fluro light tubes and bulbs
- Greenwaste (lawn clippings, small prunings)
- Scrap metal
- Second-hand items for the Tip Shop
- Waste engine oil
Other Accepted Items:
- Gas bottles
- Mattresses
- Vehicle tyres
Please note: these items incur a small fee for disposal, please see our Schedule of Fees and Charges for the current fee(s).
Kerbside Waste Bins - Care & Presenting for Collection
- Place your bin in a convenient location to assist with its efficient collection.
- Contact the Shire if your bin needs repairs such as broken wheels, lids or lid hinges.
- Do not overload your bin or place items in the bins so that the lid will not close (70kg MAX for general rubbish).
- Place all rubbish inside the bin (rubbish not placed in the bin cannot be collected).
- Keep the bin clean.
- Remove the bin from the kerb as soon as convenient after it has been emptied.
- Place the bin on the verge for collection prior to 6AM on the day of the collection (as some collections are made early in the morning).
- Please ensure your bin is a least 500mm clear of other bins or other obstructions (basketball hoop, car, etc.)
- Please do not place hot ashes or material in the bin that may cause dust nuisance or fire hazard.
- Never put containers of oil in your wheelie bin. They can explode in transport.
- Commingled recycling bins contaminated with rubbish will not be collected as this could prevent proper sorting and recycling after collection.
What Happens to our Recyclable Materials?
All recycling collected from kerbside recycling bins or at the Bridgetown Waste Management site bulk bins is transported to Cleanaway’s depot in Manjimup where it is lightly compacted and transported to the Southern Metropolitan Regional Council’s MRF (Materials Recovery Facility) in Perth.
You can view a short video of the MRF here.
Other recyclables such as scrap metal, e-waste and used tyres are collected by licensed recycling companies and transported off-site regularly for further processing.
Local Recycling Services

Hastie Waste
Containers for Change
Collect eligible containers, take them to a refund point and earn a refund. You will receive 10 cents for every eligible container you return which you can keep or donate to a worthy cause.
Hastie Waste provide a local Containers for Change refund point at the Bridgetown Waste Management Facility.
Thursday: 8:00am to 12:00pm
Saturday: 9:00am to 1:00pm
For more information on the recycling services provided by Hastie Waste, visit their website:
Accepted Items:
Most aluminium, glass, plastic, steel and liquid paperboard drink containers between 150ml and 3L are eligible for a refund.
Eligible containers must:
- Be included on the scheme’s list of products. Use our eligibility checker below to ensure your containers are eligible.
- Display the refund mark (e.g. “10c refund at collection depots/points in participating State/Territory of purchase”)
Excluded Items:
There are some drink containers that are not eligible for a refund. Generally, excluded containers are those that are less than 150ml and greater than 3L.
Excluded containers include:
- Any plain milk containers
- Any glass containers which have contained wine or pure spirits
- Containers 1L or larger which have contained flavoured milk, pure fruit or vegetable juice
- All cordial or syrup containers
- Registered health tonics
Want to check the eligibility of a container? Check out this great reference website from Containers for Change.
Bridgetown Public Library
Recycling Hub
A volunteer run Recycling Hub has been built by the local Men’s Shed and installed at the Bridgetown Library. This operates during normal Library hours and can accept:
- Dental products
- Mobile accessories and wearables
- Mobile phone chargers
- Mobile phones
- Reading glasses
- Sunglasses
Bridgetown Family & Community Centre
Recycling Hub
- Blades, razors, and plastic packaging from razors - refillable & disposable
- Bread tags
- Burts Bees personal, lip & skin care products
- Electronic toothbrush handles and bases
- Hair aerosol containers - empty (hairspray, mousse, dry shampoo, etc.)
- Hair care jars, lids, bottles, closures, tubes, pumps, and caps - empty (all brands)
- Hair colouring jars, lids, bottles - all brands
- Mobile phones
- Paw Patrol toys
- Plastic bottle lids
- Reading glasses
Transition Bridgetown
If you're interested in setting up a community recycling hub, please contact Transition Bridgetown through their website or Facebook page.
Liquid Waste
The Bridgetown Waste Facility accepts liquid wastes (grease traps and septage wastes) from within the Shire.
Asbestos Disposal
The Bridgetown Waste Facility can only accept small amounts of asbestos, a maximum of 0.2m3 at a charge - see Fees & Charges.
Transport and presentation of asbestos must be according to the Environmental Protection (Controlled Waste) Regulations 2004 as follows:
- Separated from other material for disposal where that is reasonably practicable.
- Wrapped in builder's construction grade plastic (200um), taped (preferably with duct tape) and placed on a pallet.
Wrapping must be in a manner that prevents asbestos fibres entering the atmosphere during transportation.
- Clearly labelled as “CAUTION ASBESTOS” with lettering at least 50mm high.
Loads that have split or damaged wrapping, are not taped, or have exposed asbestos contravene the regulation and will not be accepted.
If you have more than 0.2m3 then you will need to take it to an alternative facility licenced to accept asbestos. Suggested options are:
Cleanaway Facility in Dardanup 9719 9800.
Peel Resource Recovery in Australind (Stanley Rd) 9725 8344 or 9531 3111
Note: The Shire of Manjimup has indicated their facility will no longer accept asbestos from outside their Shire.
The Shire is not affiliated with these facilities and it is the disposers responsibility to contact their chosen facility prior to transport to ensure the asbestos will be accepted.
Disclaimer: Information as it relates to legislation is provided by the Shire of Bridgetown-Greenbushes in good faith for guidance only. It is the responsibility of recipients to make their own enquiries as to its accuracy, currency and relevance.
Gate Charges
Tip Tokens - Disposal of general waste is paid using tip tokens. Tip tokens are issued with Shire resident rate notices each year. Additional tokens can be purchased from the Customer Service Area at the cost of $52.50 for 10 tokens. EFTPOS is not available at the Waste Facility and any EFTPOS transactions must be paid for in advance at the Shire Office. The Shire Administration Office is open Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm.
Residents who currently receive a weekly rubbish collection service will receive a pass containing 20 tokens, allowing free entry to either the Bridgetown Waste Management Site or Greenbushes Transfer Station 20 times, with rubbish equivalent to one 120 litre mobile garbage bin. Larger loads will require the use of additional tokens.
Residents without a weekly rubbish collection service will receive a pass containing 72 tokens. 52 of these will have a face value of $5.25 each, and allow for entry with the equivalent of the weekly 120 litre bin collection service. The remaining tokens allow for an additional 20 free entries, with rubbish equivalent to one 120 litre mobile garbage bin. Larger loads will require two or more tokens, as described above.
To see current Fees and Charges click HERE