The Planning And Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 came into effect on 19 October 2015. Further information including the ‘Deemed provisions for local planning schemes’ are available at the WAPC website.
The Shire currently has two town planning schemes:
TPS 3 (Bridgetown Townsite Only) and
TPS 4 (Balance of Shire).
These schemes are constantly subject to amendment via the town planning scheme amendment process under the Planning and Development Act 2005. The Scheme texts and maps are available via the above links to the Western Australian Planning Commission. A hard copy can be purchased by contacting the Planning Department.
Council is currently preparing a new Local Planning Scheme (LPS No. 6) and associated Local Planning Strategy for the whole of the Shire and upon gazettal LPS No. 6 will replace the two existing schemes.
A Development Application Guide is available to download by clicking here in order to assist applicants lodge the necessary information with the Shire where planning approval is required.
Please submit queries via the form you will find by scrolling to the bottom of this page.
Land Use and Planning Policies
Development Policies
Planning Customer Request Form