Published on Friday, 23 August 2024 at 3:11:26 PM


Student Forum representatives from Bridgetown High School met with Councillors and staff in Chambers again last week to enjoy a shared lunch and informal conversation. These meetings are held once per term, providing an invaluable pathway to engaging with young people in our community to foster understanding and two-way communication with our young leaders.

As part of this Student Forum discussion with Shire President, Cr Jenny Mountford, Cr Tracy Lansdell (representing the Shire’s Youth Advisory Committee) and Executive Manager of Community and Economic Development, Megan Richards, the Student Forum presented a summary of their activities and fundraising efforts over Term 2 with $450 being raised for their nominated charity, Bridgetown Wildlife Rescue. The Student Forum were also given a set of questions in advance to ask fellow high school students and shared a summary of responses at the meeting.

When asked how they thought the voices and opinions of young people could be better heard in our community, some of the responses included having a student representative for the whole of community, sending out an annual online survey, having a suggestions box, and an online feedback form to be incorporated into the Youth page of the Shire website.

With the ever-changing world of technology and information, students were also asked how events and activities could be better advertised to reach more young people, with suggestions such as old-fashioned flyers and posters being the most popular, along with a weekly announcement of events at schools and posts via youth-centred Facebook groups and pages. Some of the extra events and activities young people wish to be available include mountain bike trails, a waterslide at Memorial Park more than once a year, a free bus service to Bunbury, rock climbing, more (fast) food options, paint ball and a Bridgetown Olympics!

This led to discussions that focused on the possibility of holding community led events such as an art exhibition for young people, the possibility of including a mural to be designed and painted by young people to be included in the Shire’s Art Trail, a youth-centred music event ‘Battle of the Bands’ style and a short film festival showcasing local youth productions.

Shire President, Cr Jenny Mountford stated that “It was another great meeting with the Bridgetown High School representatives. We really enjoy hearing what the Student Forum has been focusing on through the term. It was also a timely opportunity for us to hear from the students the kind of youth events and activities they would like to see the Shire help drive throughout the year. They have some terrific ideas.

“With Shire officers currently working on the Youth Plan, some of these suggestions can be incorporated into our future planning. Everyone agreed that when the Town Hall is operational again, there are some exciting youth events that can be created.”

Students were once again asked how they felt about their experience in Council Chambers -

“The biggest take away for me was how the Councillors responded to our questions and gave us useful information for how we can make changes at our school and how we can participate in the community.” – Bailee P

“I thought we gave a lot of good information and ideas worth considering by the Councillors for the youth of our community – hopefully we will see these ideas incorporated.” - Linden H

“The Councillors are very trusting and treat us like young adults which makes me feel respected as a leader. I enjoy seeing how the Councillors work and what their thoughts and opinions are on our ideas.” - Pia B

“I loved the process. The Councillors were very open-minded, they didn't shut down any of our ideas and opinions. They listened to what we had to say … and they fed us. The biggest takeaway - we had a better understanding of what's going on in our town and community not just for the youth but overall. We left feeling great about what the Student Forum is doing and confident enough to continue trying to improve our school.” - Ava B

 Shire President, Councillors and staff look forward to engaging with students again next term.

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